DIY Tea Towels From Vintage Linens - Twelve Days of Christmas Ideas

21 November
It's our Second Day of the Fourth Annual 12 Days of Christmas Series!

I have teamed up with 50 plus bloggers to bring you oodles of DIY ideas and recipes to make your holiday season merrier! There are 12 different posts in the series and we have spread them out over a four week period with three posts per week. Now is the time to subscribe!

It's Day 2 and we are sharing DIY Gift Ideas!

I just love old linens... tablecloths, aprons, hankies, napkins, all of them! I'm always a little sad when I discover something that has a hole or stain but today I'm going to show you how to repurpose some of those lovely old linens into sweet little tea towels! These make a perfect Christmas gift when paired with some cute kitchen utensils and a fancy spice or some tea!

DIY Tea Towels From Vintage Linens

Isn't that cute? I would love to receive that as one of my Christmas gifts how about you?!

After you have checked out how to make these adorable DIY tea towels be sure to check out all the other wonderful ideas at the end! You can also GO HERE for the complete list of Dates and Topics plus a collection of most popular holiday ideas including ornaments, games, recipes and more from all 50 plus talented bloggers!

DIY Tea Towels From Vintage Linens

To make these tea towels you just need some old linens (tablecloths work really well), some bias tape in coordinating colors and a sewing machine!

I used an old curtain panel and an apron that was a little torn up.

old linens

I used one of my regular dish towels and cut around it for my new tea towels.

use a dishtowel to measure

Isn't that fabric adorable?!

cut out your new tea towel

The edges are easy to finish with some bias tape (extra wide, double fold) in coordinating colors.
bias tape
It is easier to start adding the bias tape in the middle of one side rather than on a corner. One side of the bias tape will be slightly wider than the other, place the widest side so it is on the back (wrong side) of the fabric and clip or pin it so the fabric is sandwiched between.

finish with bias tape

Then stitch close to the edge along the front (right side) of the fabric, this will catch the back/wider side of the bias tape and finish the edges of the towel.


stitch the bias tape

Once you get to the corner you'll turn the bias tape and create a little miter by folding the corner like so.

mitered bias tape corner

Once you have made it back around to the beginning where you started you'll overlap to cover the ends.

bias tape end

Open the tape up all the way.

bias tape folds

Then fold the end in to hide the raw edges.


and then fold it back how it was originally.

bias tape binding

Stitch it down to complete the towel!

bias tape edge binding

Look how cute!

tea towel from old linens

floral tea towel

towels made from old linens

Add some cute kitchen utensils and a fancy spice or some tea and you have a pretty sweet little gift for a special someone!

I found these wooden utensils with the painted handles at Ross and the Pink Himalayan Salt at TJMaxx!

tea towel gift set

The utensils came in a white mesh back which I repurposed and tied around them!

towel gift set

You could also do something cute like fold them up and put them in a vintage berry container!

tea towel gift set

Add a cute coffee mug and some fancy tea!

towel gift set

gift ideas

gift packaging idea

DIY Tea Towels From Vintage Linens

Posted by: at 21 November Tag:

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