Upcycled Rug Christmas Stocking - Twelve Days of Christmas
14 December
I have teamed up with 50 plus bloggers to bring you oodles of DIY Ideas and Recipes to make your holiday season merrier. There are 12 different posts in the series and we have spread them out over a four week period with three posts per week. Now is the time to subscribe!
GO HERE for the complete list of Dates and Topics plus a collection of most popular holiday ideas including ornaments, games, recipes and more from all 50 plus talented bloggers!
It's Day 12 and we are ready to Hang the Stockings by the Chimney with Care!
Welcome to Day 12 of the Fourth Annual 12 Days of Christmas Series!
I can't believe it's already day 12 and we are done (well not really... I have other Christmas things to share still 😉) I hope you're not tired of Christmas projects just yet!
Today I'm sharing how to make a cute boho Christmas stocking from a rug!

If you've been around LVC for very long then you may remember this rug... I made an Upcycled Rug Bolster Pillow with part of it and I still had more. I thought it would make a pretty little boho stocking.
I used a stocking I already had for a pattern and cut two pieces from the rug and a strip with the fringe that will be the top of my new stocking.
Stitch the two stocking sides together, right sides facing, and stitch the strip together at the end, also right sides facing.
Put the strip down inside the stocking, with the right side of the strip facing the wrong side of the stocking and stitch around the edge.
Now, when you pull it out it will look like this with the wrong side facing out... fold the cuff down and the right side will be showing.
Press the seams with an iron.
This was easy to make and only took about 20 minutes total!
Scroll down for even more Christmas Stocking Ideas you can use this holiday season!
Posted by: Tania | Little Vintage Cottage
at 14 December
holiday seasonal
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