Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

01 January

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Happy New Year!!

A new year always feels like a breath of fresh air to me, a time to get my shit together and start out with good intentions. Losing weight and getting in better shape are always at the top of my new year's resolutions but who am I kidding? I struggle with that all year, every year!

This year is a little different for me than most since my boyfriend and I bought our fixer-upper house and will be moving in together.

I've been obsessing over design choices and options for our new home together and organizing all our stuff is at the forefront of all the ideas I have.

So, today's post is a combination of something to help me organize and one of my favorite things... a good thrift shop flip!

I made myself a cool boho ring holder (and one to sell in my shop, Little Boho Cottage). I don't wear a lot of jewelry, my ears are no longer pierced but I do have a small collection of rings, necklaces, and bracelets.

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

I found two of these metal frames at Goodwill for $2.99 each, they had weird, tacky Christmas prints in them. I had a picture of them but I can't find it anymore. But trust me, they weren't cute even in a kitsch sort of way.

Supplies Needed
  • Picture frames
  • Batting
  • The fabric of your choice
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Scissors

To begin, cut several pieces of batting. The size will depend on the picture frame you are using. My frames were basically 5" x 7" even though they are oval-shaped, so I cut them to about 10" long and a couple of inches wider than my frame.

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

Roll these up to form tubes, I ended up with about 5 rolls (don't add any glue to the rolls, you want them to stay soft and squishy with no hard glue lines or areas). 

Make sure these are big enough that they will hold a ring between them, I made this mistake with my first attempt and had to start over.

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

Glue the rolls seam down onto the picture frame backing close together so that you cannot see the frame backing. Use hot glue for this otherwise, you'll be sitting around waiting for the glue to dry! DO NOT glue the actual rolls together (you'll see why in a minute).

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

Trim around the edge.

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

Test fit your frame and trim as necessary so that there isn't too much bulk.

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

Now begin adding the fabric you've chosen. Adhere the edge to the top and then lay it loosely over the rolls. Pull apart each roll and lay a line of hot glue between, then push the fabric down into that crease.

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

I used a pencil to push it down between the rolls.

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

Once you have the fabric adhered at the top, between each batting roll, and then at the bottom, trim around the edge.

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

You can leave the sides unglued. I didn't try gluing the sides down so it may work that way too but I didn't see the need.

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

Add the frame over the top. It may take a bit of effort to push it down over the batting and fabric but it should work if your sides are trimmed adequately. (Note: If your frame doesn't have sturdy enough clasps to secure the back you may have to add additional supports of some kind).

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

Here are my finished ring holders.😍

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

I used some scrap velvet fabric I had but you could use any kind of fabric. I just think the velvet looks nice with this style of frame.

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

It would look really pretty to paint the frames too.

Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

I think whichever one I choose to keep (because I'm torn at this point) will look nice in the bathroom or my bedroom to display and organize my rings!


Repurposed Picture Frame Ring Holder - Thrift Shop Flip

Posted by: at 01 January Tag:

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  1. Very pretty! Your choice of velvet fabric is pretty with the gold frame as-is. Great idea for organizing jewelry!

  2. I’m going to make these as gifts !! Great idea and beautiful. Thank you

    1. I'm glad you like them, they will make great gifts!


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