Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

26 March

I have been spending a good amount of time at Home Depot lately since we bought our fixer-upper house but I don't mind, it's like a big craft store in my opinion!

If you can think outside the box a little bit there are so many possibilities for things you'll find at a hardware store.

My latest inspiration came from a couple packages of wood shims. I made some carrots with them! 😊

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

I'm joining up with my friends for the Do-It-Over-Designers challenge blog hop.

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

This hop is for taking something old and/or unused and 'doing it over' into something new. It can be anything from fabric, old dishes, and decor to dressers and hutches. These items can be found in closets, barns, garages, yard sales, thrift stores, you name it!

You'll be able to check out the other ladies' projects at the end of my post.

Here are the supplies I used to make some cute wood shim carrots.

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Supplies Needed

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

Wood shims are used in construction for leveling up windows and doors among other things. They are thicker at one end and thinner at the other... perfect for making carrots!

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

To form the carrot shapes, I used wood glue and glued them all together in groups of 5 with all the skinny ends together and all the fat ends together.

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

Then I let them dry with rubber bands and clamps for about 30 minutes.

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

Once they were dry, I sanded them and then painted them with orange paint.

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

Then I went in with some darker orange paint and made little uneven, random lines across them.

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

I found some greenery on an old wreath I had that worked perfectly to create the carrot tops but you could use lots of different things... raffia, ribbons, rick-rack, etc.

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

I drilled a couple of small holes in the top of each carrot and used hot glue to add the stems.

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

And voila! Here are my finished carrots!

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

Repurposed Wood Shim Carrots

What do you think? 

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  1. I agree Tania that HD is filled with crafting potential. Your shim carrots are ADORABLE!

  2. Wow, Tania! Who would have thought to turn shims into carrots! You did! How creative and they look adorable too! Love how you added the faux stem carrot tops - they look so realistic!

  3. These are just too cute and perfect for Easter coming up. Well done!

  4. Very clever carrots! And guess what i have out in my stash?! I love the greenery however it does look like it's had a hard life! Perfect for carrot tops, tho!

    1. Haha! That's actually how the greenery looked when I bought it, it's from a garland and has a bunch grouped together.

  5. I think you just invented a much better reason to pick up a wood shim!! Brilliant execution and so adorable!


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