Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

07 November

I have started Christmas crafting and will have some fun projects to share with you for the next month or so!

As always, I am using what I have whenever possible. It's a challenge that I love but I will admit that I have a great supply of thrifted goodies to choose from. I pick up things at thrift stores and yard sales when I see something that I think can be repurposed and I always pick up craft supplies.

Lately, I am doing my best not to buy new projects (only craft supplies) until I have worked through some of what I have and today's project uses two things that I have had in my stash for a while now... a tobacco basket and some vintage plastic Christmas flowers.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

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Here is the supply list with sources if you want to make one for yourself.

Supplies Needed:
  • Tobacco basket (THIS or THIS fruit basket would work or a shallow thrifted basket)
  • Winter-themed greenery (NEW will be fine or there are lots of options on Etsy)
  • Sweater material (flannel would work too)
  • Buttons
  • Embroidery floss
  • Wool snowflakes
  • Glue
  • Florist wire
  • Polka-dot burlap ribbon (I found mine at the Dollar Store but Amazon some too)

There is an interesting article about the origin and use of tobacco baskets on the Carolina Country website if you are interested. They are no longer made for the purpose of holding tobacco. Now they are made for selling to decorators or craft suppliers.

This basket was originally from Target's Dollar Spot but I cannot remember if I bought it there for $3 or if I found it at the thrift store. I have listed a couple of other options in the supply list as well.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

I picked up this bag of plastic Christmas poinsettia flowers at Goodwill for $2.99 some time ago.

For this project, I just liked the greenery so I removed the flowers and have saved them for another project.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

I wired the greenery to the basket with florist wire.

I think a lot of people would pass up this old plastic stuff. Personally, I love vintage plastic flowers and have a whole bin full of them! They may look ugly on their own but look how nice they look on this basket 😃

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

I thought it would be cute to have some mittens on this but I didn't have any so I made some with some sweater sleeves that I had left over from the DIY Christmas Tree Skirt From Sweaters that I made last year.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

I just drew a simple mitten shape slightly larger than I wanted the finished mittens to be because they will be smaller once you stitch them together and turn them right-side-out.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

Since the weave on sweaters is so loose, I used embroidery floss to stitch these together.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

Stitch them up right sides together and then turn them right side out. You could also stitch them on a sewing machine.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

The bow for the top of the basket is made from polka dot burlap ribbon that I found at the Dollar Store. I used this tutorial from Liz at Liz on Call: How to Make a Big Bow.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

I hung the mittens with embroidery floss and tacked the top mitten to the bottom with a dab of hot glue just so they wouldn't get all twisted around. The bow is added after you've added the mittens.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

I found these wool snowflakes in my stash. I've had them for a long time and had forgotten I even had them!

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

I added some here and there on the basket.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

Then I looked through my buttons and picked out some brown ones to add to the snowflakes and the mittens.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

I love how this turned out and I'm happy to have finally used the basket that has been hanging out in my "to-do" pile for some time.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

The little mittens are the perfect touch and it would be even cuter with real vintage children's mittens.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

Since I didn't use the red poinsettia flowers this can stay up all winter but you could make it more Christmas-themed as well.

Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath

And if you like this one it is currently available in my Etsy shop, LVC Handmade 😊

I hope you enjoyed this post. If you did, I would love it if you would share it!


Repurposed Basket Winter Wreath
Posted by: at 07 November Tag:

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  1. Your creativity is showing. ;-) I love the little mittens!

  2. Thanks for sharing with us I'm featuring you this week when the next To Grandma's house we go link party starts!

    1. Thank you, it's always my pleasure to share at your party!


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