Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

25 May

Today I'm sharing a way to repurpose those wooden signs that were so popular for a while but now are taking up SO MUCH shelf space at the thrift stores.

You know the ones, they are chunky little wooden boxes and they usually have a funny quote or saying on them. Most of them are black or grey with white blocky fonts.

These are the signs I'm talking about. I have several ideas for reusing these and today I'm excited to share my first idea with you!

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

I'm sharing these as part of this month's Do-It-Over-Designers challenge. At the end of this post, I'll share links to the other ladies' projects so be sure to check their projects out 😊 They are all so creative.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

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These are the two boxes I'm repurposing today.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

I started by giving them a light sanding because I'm planning to paint them.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

The elephants on the square box were just printed on paper and adhered to the top of the box. To remove it, I laid a damp washcloth over it for about 15 minutes and then scraped the paper right off.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

I used DecoArt's new DecoEarth paint in Coastal Blue.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

DecoEarth paint is made with 70% reclaimed paint from discarded house paints that are gathered in collection sites around the country. The bottles and lids are also made from recycled plastic 👍

It took two coats of paint to cover the bold letters on this box, I used a hairdryer to speed up drying time.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

I painted the square box with Butter Yellow.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

I didn't paint the back of the boxes because I am using some vintage upholstery fabric to cover that.

I have several sample swatches of this fabric, all the same pattern but different colors.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

I used Mod Podge to add the fabric inside the back of the box.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

If you haven't guessed already, I'm turning these old box signs into cute little trays so I used some wooden candle cups to make feet.

I painted them with one of the colors from the fabric swatches. Orange for the yellow box.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

New Shamrock for the blue box.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

I used E6000 to attach them to the boxes.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

I thought it would be fun to add a little extra detail to these, so I used wood half-circle beads along the top edge of the yellow box. 

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

And I added some large half-circle beads to the ends of the blue box.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

And that's it! 

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

You can use these for so many things. In the bathroom for perfumes, Q-tips, cotton balls, etc.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

I just love the vintage fabric in the bottom. I've had it for years so I'm happy to have finally found a use for some of it.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

You could also use these in the kitchen to hold salt and pepper, cooking spray, etc.

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

Be sure to check out the other projects at the links below:

The Apple Street Cottage

Birdz of a Feather

Exquisitely Unremarkable

Little Vintage Cottage

Purple Hues & Me

Southern Sunflowers

Sum of Their Stories

And if you enjoyed this project, I'd love it if you would share it!


Repurposed Wooden Box Signs

I can't wait to share my other ideas for these signs!

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  1. Brilliant! Our local charity shop always has a bunch of these signs and other than making them into new different signs I couldn't think of a way to use them so this is a brilliant idea! And how nice to have found a good use for those little pieces of pretty vintage fabric too.

    1. Thank you! I know what you mean, for the longest time I stared at those signs trying to figure out a new something or other to paint on them too!

  2. GREAT idea!! I have so many of these hanging around and I see tons of them at thrift stores for about a quarter each. What a fun way to reuse them. The possibilities are endless!

    1. Thanks Kim! I know, they are at pretty much ever thrift store! I used to have some too and I donated them to the thrift store, lol. Now I'm buying them back!!

  3. Wow Tania! I love this idea! Although that quote certainly does ring true with me, your little trays are so creative. Love that you used fabric to decoupage these; that vintage fabric is fabulous!

    1. Haha! That quote fits me well too! Thank you for the compliments :)

  4. If these aren't the cutest boxes, and a fabulous idea, Tania! I love the look of the vintage fabric used on the bottom, too! And the possibilities on how to use the signs as boxes are just about unlimited! I'm sure lots will hop on your bandwagon to turn the signs into boxes!

    1. Thank you Gail :) I've got several more to makeover!

  5. I love the bright colors and how the fabric works with them! I have several little signs like these that i planned to decorative paint. Might have to change my plan!

    1. Thank you! I'm so happy I've finally gotten to use this cute fabric, I may have even squealed when it all came together, lol.

  6. What an adorable way to make over those signs, I will have to look through my stash and see if I can find any I can make over.

    1. Thank you! I hope you have something in your stash that you can transform, but if not, there's always the thrift store ;o)

  7. Love the colors you used Tania! I'll be on the lookout for some sign boxes now. Those trays turned out so cute.

    1. Thank you! They seem right up your alley, I know you could make some super cute and colorful ones too!

  8. Super cute idea! The vintage fabric gives the boxes such a unique look. I used one of those boxes a while back, but added a printable and embellishments. It's fun coming up with different ideas to give them a makeover. I've got more waiting for a transformation. Yours turned out great! Pinned.


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