Repurposed Metal Dustpan

27 July

I've had an old rusty metal dustpan in my craft stash for a while now, I picked it up at a garage sale last year.

I didn't have a plan for it when I got it, I just knew that I'd seen cute things done with them and thought I could come up with something too.

Then along comes our next Do-It-Over-Designer's challenge and this month we have a theme, metal! Perfect time to finally do something with that dustpan.

If you are new to this challenge, I'll share my project with you and then there will be links to the other ladies' projects.

I don't know what made my mind go to chickens, but it did! I know that chickens like to take dust baths so it didn't seem like much of a stretch to paint some chickens kicking up a bunch of dust on the dustpan. 😃

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

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Repurposed Metal Dustpan

These are the supplies I used:

Supply list:

The first thing I did was scrub this old dustpan to remove the dirt and loose rust.

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

I drew some simple chicken shapes to use as a pattern. You can also just print out a picture of some and trace them if you don't want to freehand them or use a stencil.


Repurposed Metal Dustpan

I used white transfer paper to trace the chickens onto the dustpan.

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

It didn't transfer very well just because of the rusty texture of the dustpan and my almost worn-out transfer paper but it was enough that I could fill in the chicken bodies with black and white paint.

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

And then their waddles and combs with flag red.

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

The legs, feet, and beaks are painted with True Ochre.

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

I then added dots and triangles to the chickens. 

I made the dust with gray paint and a damp stencil brush. Dab the stencil brush into the paint and then wipe most of it back off. Create the look of dust by pouncing the paint onto the surface, just like you would if you were actually stenciling. Add a little black to the brush without cleaning the gray paint out of it and pounce that toward the bottom of the dust cloud.

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

Finally, I used an old toothbrush to add flecks of gray, black, and white. To do this, dip the toothbrush in water, dab it just once on a paper towel, then rub it around in some gray paint. Then use your thumbnail to flick the bristles of the toothbrush and splatter some specks around the chickens. 

Cover the chickens with a scrap of paper so they won't get flecks all over them.

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

Once that is all dry, protect it with a coat of clear spray sealer.

I picked out some fabric from my stash that I thought went together and tore strips about 1" wide and 7-8" long.

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

I added in some plain muslin fabric and lace too.

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

Tie it all together with another strip of ribbon to make a cute rag bow.

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

I think it would be so cute if you had a business called The Dusty Chicken or Chicken Scratch Inn. You could add a tag with that name on it! 

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

Would it be weird to start a business based on a painted dustpan?! 😂

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

If you added a magnet to the back of the bow instead of gluing it to the dustpan, you could use this as a dustpan since it has a clear protective coat.

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

Repurposed Metal Dustpan

Here are the links to the other ladies' metal projects:

Birdz of a Feather

Exquisitely Unremarkable

Little Vintage Cottage

Modern on Monticello

Purple Hues & Me

Southern Sunflowers

Sum of Their Stories

Color Me Thrifty

The Apple Street Cottage

I hope that you enjoyed this post. Please share it with a Pin!


Repurposed Metal Dustpan

Posted by: at 27 July Tag:

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  1. Adorable!! I'm totally smitten with your polka dot hens. What a sweet upcycle!!

  2. We can all use a painted dustpan, Tania! Especially one that looks as adorable as this one you created! What a fun and cute project!

  3. Your polka dot chickens are so adorable Tania! This upcycle just makes me smile. Great project!

  4. i LOVE IT! Your chickies are adorable!

  5. Oh my, your dustpan upcycle is just the cutest ever!! Great imagination and creativity.


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